Law School Masterclass
Crush Finals
With the end game in mind (getting A’s on your final exam) we engineered a better way to approach every aspect of law school.
With the Crush Law School Master Class You’ll get Instant Access to more than six hours of video in six online modules, with an easy-to-follow flow for mastering law school, start to finish.
- You’ll get ahead of your class because you’ll have knowledge and the framework for success
- You’ll study less and retain more because you’ll have laser-focus and key information recall for exams
- You’ll dominate your finals because you’ll know exactly what professors are looking for.
Everything in the LAW SCHOOL HEAD START plus the additional courses:
Eagle Eye Essay Writing System
Want to ace the hated “issue spotting” exam”? This is the system that works for every test and every subject. Three hours of instruction guaranteed to crush your finals.
Hack the Regular Semester
This is the #1 thing you need for getting A’s on your exams—we’ll show you how to distill case briefs into just 3 lines of exam-acing information.
Studying for Maximum Retention and Minimal Effort
Learn how to focus on only the most useful material in order to cut study time in half.
And much more.
Your Instructor
I'm the head instructor and founder of Legal Eagle. When I was accepted to UCLA Law, I was ecstatic. This was the BIG leagues of law schools, and my first step toward becoming a big-time trial attorney. There was just one, small problem:
“Common wisdom” said I was going to crash and burn in law school.
Here’s why:

- I read very slowly. You might call it glacial. Reading 10 cases per night 3x each, wasn’t going to happen.
- I cherish my free time. It’s my favorite kind of time—in law school, you’re not supposed to have any of it.
- I wanted to be a lawyer not a scholar. Academic research is my version of hell.
- I wasn’t willing to give up my personal life. I’m willing to work hard for short bursts, but I refuse to give up my sleep for months at a time—law school doesn’t want you to sleep, doesn’t want you to eat, it just wants you to read.
- My health is important to me. I wasn’t going to become a lawyer only to shorten my lifespan—and that’s what the stress of the law school environment does, especially in your 1L year.
Most of my friends and family thought law school would be a disaster for me, based on what conventional wisdom said.
But that’s because “common wisdom” is crap.

(Winning 1st place in Mock Trial
during my 1L year)
“Law school success is just a matter of working hard,” the professors say, “work hard, and you’ll emerge at the head of the pack.”
Really? Because it sure seems to me like every law student “works hard.” Didn’t we all work hard to get into law school?
The law school curve dictates – no matter what –only the top 20% of the class gets A’s, the middle 60% get B’s, and the bottom 20% get C’s.
You’re telling me only the top 20% works hard? Bullshit. Tell the B-students they “didn’t work hard enough to get an A,” and you’ll get punched in the face. Rightfully so, I might add.
If “hard work” was all that mattered, the sure-fire way to get to the top of your class would be to eat caffeine pills like tic-tacs and sleep when you graduate. But law school doesn’t work like that.
So, how does law school work?
That’s a question I asked myself when I was standing in your shoes years ago.
Like you, I didn’t know what to really expect.
But, fortunately for me, I got the most important lecture of my entire life right before I started 1L.
One of my college professors—a retired lawyer—liked to give his graduating students some advice about law school, advice I’m going to share with you. His few tips ran contrary to the standard law school advice I had been getting (for example he told me to outline my classes from day one – most people wouldn’t do it but by outlining from the start I would be way ahead of everyone else when finals started. If you’re interested, I go into more detail here).
His insights blew my mind wide open. They were the foothold I needed to buck all the generic advice I had been given, and do something radically different.
So, I threw Law School Confidential in the trash and started testing.
I stopped making assumptions about law school—“because everyone else is doing it,” would no longer be good enough. I was going to forge my own path and built an entire law school study system from the ground up.
So I did, and it worked.
My GPA was so high, I got a scholarship after I started law school (they gave me a scholarship between my first and second semester to prevent me from transferring).
My classmates called me “insane” and “crazy” but at the end of every semester, I was the one smiling.
No, I’m not special, or super talented…I just found a better way.
A way I can show you.
I call it Legal Eagle, and it is the best investment in yourself you will ever make.
Let me show you how to CRUSH law school.
My system worked all three years and I graduated with an A- average that led to my dream job as a trial lawyer in one of the best firms in the country.